Does the ACNE MONSTER plague you? Well, here is the answer to acne! You may have tried all kinds of skin creams and sure-cure ointments. Am I right so far? Want to know what the real MONSTER is? OK, I will tell you. It’s OIL! Yes, now you know! But don’t quit reading until you have heard me out because you may not realize where it hides!
Some forms of oil are easy to see, like the oil floating on top of cooked celery. And butter, you probably know, is almost 100% oil. Cheese is not far behind, at up to 90% fat! You know that oil and fat are close to the same thing, oil is just softer than fat. And you can taste the oil in banana bread if you think about it.
Oil is easily hidden in many foods that you may not think of. Milk, for example, contains fat. How much? “Well, I only drink 1% milk”, you say. OK, let’s see how much fat is in two glasses of 1% milk. Bare with me for a bit and get out your physics or chemistry book, well maybe just a good cook book will do. How many teaspoons are in one cup? 48 is the answer. If we call it 50, then, 2 glasses of milk have 100 teaspoons of milk. “What are you getting at?” you may ask. Well, what is one percent of 100? Oh yes, it is 1. One teaspoon of fat! But what if you drink 2% or whole milk which is 4% fat? Wow, that would be 2 or 4 teaspoons of fat in 2 glasses of milk. I use to drink 2 to 4 glasses of whole milk with my breakfast. It was good on my granola.
Granola is safe, right? Well, I asked the cook the next time I went through the cafeteria line in college. “It is 33% oil.” she said. Wow, 1/3 cup of oil for each cup of granola!
My typical breakfast had almost ½ cup of hidden oil!
Then there was the peanut butter on my toast. Peanut butter is easier to guess, but how much oil is in it? Peanut butter is about 50% oil. So, for one slice of toast with 2 teaspoons of peanut butter, there is 1 teaspoon of oil. Back then, two peanut butter toasts were just about right.
Well now I wanted to test the above information. So, for 6 weeks I was careful to avoid the extra oil in my diet. With in 3 weeks my complexion looked really good. It stayed good for the next 3 weeks.
Then there came Saturday night. My roommate and I downed a 16 inch double cheese pizza and a pitcher of root beer. And it was good.
Next morning, however, there were three ugly MONSTERS on my face. “YES!!!” I said. “Now I KNOW the answer!” My enthusiasm helped carry me through the never to be repeated misery of the acne MONSTERS.
It reminds me of a verse in the bible about not eating the fat. Maybe I should have consulted the Bible first! Well, anyway, now I use the knowledge I have to keep the acne monster away!